Sunday, July 14

A little update from the past year

I honestly can not believe how time flies. We have been so crazy busy with life that I have not had much time to do much blogging. So finally here I am, maybe we can catch you up a bit. Last summer Danny received orders for us to move to another place. We knew the orders were coming, but honestly thought we would stay in the states. I remember Danny calling me, and telling me we got our orders. Danny has always been such a jokester, so the first thing I said was yeah right. Danny said in one year we will be moving to Grafenwoehr, Germany. Then again I told him yeah right! He said no really Alicia. I still did not beleive him until he said really Alicia a third time. So it's true we received orders to Germany. So many emotions flew through my head, so excited to see another part of the world which I never even thought I would get to do, sad to know that in one year I would have to say goodbye to my family and move even further away from them, sad to leave my home and amazing friends whom we loved so dearly. We lived in Tucson for two and a half years. We loved our life. Courtlynn started her first years of school there, she learned to read for the first time, she made her first best friends there. Kaydrie walked for the first time in Tucson, she got her first tooth, she climbed up the stairs for the first time. We got our first puppy and hopefully she stays forever with us. We had so many firsts and I knew our amazing life there would end shortly. So we made the best of it and enjoyed our last moments there with some more than amazing awesome friends. Our Ma and Pa Davis came to visit us, we had such an awesome time with them! Our home is perfect when the grandparents come to visit. They sure know how to spoil us all rotten. We went and visited the colossal caves, went and picked pumpkins and went on a tractor ride. We didn't want to let them go home, we begged them to stay. We made a trip home to Idaho to meet the two new arrivals. I sure didn't want to let them go. If I could have I would have kidnapped Kash and Tessa. We loved the time we had with our family. On the last night there, we went to my cousin Chases game and then hit the road back to Tucson, and then I raced back to see my sexy man. Just a few weeks after our trip to Idaho came Halloween 2012. Courtlynn decided she wanted to be Rapunzel and Kaydrie wanted to be Minnie Mouse. We had a blast with a few friends and made sure to have a festive Halloween party as well. Spookiness is so much fun! My sister Cami came to visit in November, she stayed with us for a few weeks. We loved every minute of her with us, and were so grateful she was able to spend Thanks Giving with us. Camers and I of coarse made it out for the craziest day of the year. It was so much fun to finally get to spend Black Friday with someone in my family. Cami and I headed up for a short trip to Mt.Lemon, for a minute we felt like we were on top of the world. On Thanks Giving one of my besties invited us over with some other really good friends. I call this clan my military family, it was a blast to see what others do for Thanks Giving and to try new traditions. All of our kids were the best of buds, it was neat to see them all play together and get along. I will miss spending Thanks Giving with our favorite peeps from Tucson, and I will carry some of there traditions on to Germany. December is always a busy month for us, I am guessing it is about the same for everyone else. This is probably one of my favorite months cause I absolutely LOVE to surprise people with goodies on there door. I love Christmas so much that I would celebrate all year if my hubby would let me. My tree goes up the day after Thanks Giving, and again if my hubby would let me I would put it up months before Christmas :) From shopping, to baking all my favorite treats, to singing Christmas songs, to decorating, to playing in the snow, drinking lot's of hot cocoa, driving around looking at all the beautiful lights, sitting on Santa's lap and my favorite part learning about our Savior. Danny's work always has fun festive stuff and Courtlynn had a super cute singing concert and Kaydrie was her biggest fan. Then to the secret part, I get to play Santa and see the joy it brings to my little girls hearts. This Christmas was one we will always remember because we spent it with some dear friends whom have been there for us more than we could ever ask, it would be our last Christmas with our friends and we were so grateful to spend one more holiday with them. Good times we will always remember! So now I have some breaking news, my twinner and I are on our way to getting old. February 17th is the special day I get to share my birthday with my best friend and this year we turned the big 28, only two more years to 30. Oh Betty please pray for us. But just so we are clear, Krista is more of an oldie foggie than I am. Oh yes she was born a whole six minutes before me, just thought that was an important fact that everyone should know. My sweet little Courtlynn tells everyone I am now 28 and that I am older than her daddy. My sweet lover boy reminds me as well that I am 4 months older than him and that I robbed the cradle. So again we may need your prayers, as a few wrinkles are starting to show. March is also another favorite month of mine because both of my sweet baby girls were born this month. On March 5th our Courtie turned 7 years old and on March 11th our Kagiey turned 3 years old. Happy Birthday to my sweet babies!!!!!! Right after the girls birthdays our movers came and packed up all our stuff and sent it to Germany. That was the moment I knew we were in for a new adventure and that our time was coming short with our daddy. Soon our home was empty, and it no longer was our home. We said our goodbyes to our dear friends, but shhhhhhh don't tell anyone this, they are all stuck with me forever, bahahaha. It was hard to leave the place we called home for two and a half years. So we hit the road to Idaho, played a bit in Vegas. After eighteen hours in the car, we finally made it to Idaho. We enjoyed our last moments with our daddy, and then it was time for us to say goodbye to him for 122 days. Skype became our best friend and we talk several times a day. Right now the girls and I are living with Mom and Dad Davis, it has been so much fun being able to hang out with all our family and friends. We have had a lot of cousin get togethers, sleep overs, late nights, swimming days, movie hangouts, fun chit chats, shopping, play dates, BBQ's, Mari's gradation, fireworks, Cami's moving to Alaska, lot's of fun crazziness, I just love my family! So out of the 122 days, we only have 12 left till our daddy comes home. My heart is beating faster everyday the closer it gets. Can't wait to surprise our girls with there daddy. What a happy day it will be. In 3 weeks we move to Germany, not gonna lie I am a bit scared and excited at the same time. So happy to soon be a family again. We miss our daddy! With all of our stuff being sent to Germany and our move to Idaho, the girls have had to sacrifice a lot. They have both been amazing little troopers. Not only did they have to send all there favorite toys and things to Germany, but they have had to say goodbye to best friends who were like family, Courtlynn had to leave her school class in the middle of the year and start all over in a new school in Idaho and they had to say goodbye to there daddy for almost 4 months. Some wonderful things about moving back home to Idaho for 4 months, while Danny is training in Mississippi, are we finally get to live with our amazing family for a bit, and play, play, play. We have been spoiled like crazy by living near our family, and have really enjoyed all our fun moments with all family and friends. It will be so hard in a few weeks when we have to split our ways. This last school year Courtlynn went into the first grade. This year with all our cray moving she managed to have 3 first grade teachers, so if you can only imagine the friends she has made. She is the sweetest little thing with a bit of spit fire. She is the cutest red head around and we just love her fun silly personality. She is such a girly girl, she loves to get all dolled up. She loves her nails painted and hair perfect (not sure where she gets that from). Dress up is still one of her favorite things. Courtlynn loves barbies, swimming, exploring, sleep overs, riding four wheelers, spending time with grandma's and grandpa's. She loves to write letters to people she cares about and is such a giving little lady. This year Courtlynn was one of the top readers in her class, she can read 88 words a minute, and just LOVES to read. She is always asking if she can help me, and loves trying to help mother her little sister. She loves to dance and is such a natural at it. She loves her little sister with her whole heart, they are the best of buds most of the time. Courtlynn loves to have chit chats and sure knows how to keep a conversation going, she is becoming quite the artist, and loves to draw. One thing that I love about my Courtie is her sweet spirit. She loves to be sneaky and do acts of kindness. My favorite thing she loves to do is when she sneaks into my room and makes my bed and then colors cute pictures on the chalkboard in my room. This year she did girl scouts and sold more cookies than she needed to meet her goal. So she wanted to donate the other cookies she sold to the other girls in her troop that needed it. She is my sweet little goobey and I just love her so much! Now for our sweet Monkey, this little lady sure keeps us on our feet. Kaydrie looks like her mama but acts like her Daddy, when he was just a weeee thing. You always know when she is up to something cause she will give you a special look and smile, and yet also has a sweet little spirit that can just melt your heart. She loves to be snuggled up and loves to hold you tight and not let go. Her sister is her best friend and hates to be separated from her, Kaydrie loves to do whatever her sister is doing and one of her most favorite things is to pester her sister and run. She is quite the little trickster, and thinks and knows she is funny. Our booboo loves to play dress up, she loves coloring on everything but paper, she loves dancing, singing at the top of her lungs, jumping on beds, shopping for toys, playing outside is her favorite, she loves playing in the dirt, and throwing dirt on others and running. She loves treats, I think this is why she is so sweet. One of Kaydrie's favorite things is hiding. A week ago, I was at my moms and couldn't find her. I knew she was not far because I had just saw her. We looked and hollered for her and still couldn't find her anywhere. So I ran out the door and ran around the block a few times, trying to find her. Kaydrie was no where in site so I looked at the nature park, still no Kaydrie. This momma had a panic attack and after 20 to 25 minutes of no Kaydrie, I decided it was best to call 911. The police started looking for our Kagiey and yet we still couldn't find her. My sisters Kassie and Mari were also looking for her and finally Kassie found her hiding at my moms behind my sisters bed. She was smiling and thought she was so funny. I am so thankful for the Rexburg police and the dispatcher who helped me search for my little monster. LOL I guess when her daddy was little he also did the same thing. I also just recently took Kaydrie to the doctor cause she was having sinus issues, well our little miss Kaydrie shoved a small object up her nose and that is why she was having sinus struggles :) Kaydrie is so full of life, without her our life would not be as much fun. Everyone needs a toddler in there life, a sweet little spirit to keep you laughing constantly. Kaydrie is such a hoot, we can never get enough of our booboo and just love her so much! Danny is in Biloxi Mississippi doing military training, he misses us all so much and can't wait to get back to us soon. Right now he is living in an apartment by himself, the cool thing is he is not alone. He has three other buddies who went to the training the same time as him and they all decided to live in the same apartment complex. They have dinner with each other every night and all take turns cooking. Sometimes I wish I was eating what they are. On the weekends they all hangout and do guy things. Like playing pool, video games, going swimming, shopping for cool stuff and my sweet sexy man even goes grocery shopping with his buddies and does is own laundry. Danny is also starting to get old, I tease him and tell him he is going bald, but really he is not and is still a super hottie! June 23rd my sweet Danny-O turned the big 28, he has now caught up to me :) For his birthday, him and some of his buddies went deep sea fishing, they caught 108 fish and had a blast. For Danny's birthday he said all he wanted was his girls, knowing this was impossible I got a package together made his favorite cookies, filled it with letters and pictures from his little girls and we decided we would send us in the package. So we found three barbies that looked like us three divas and sent them to our Daddy. We miss him every minute he is not with us. He is staying busy and will soon be back in our arms. Happy Birthday to my sweet sexy man, We love him so much!
We are loving our time in Idaho, right now the girls are both in swimming lessons and are becoming such good swimmers. They love swimming and would go everyday if I would let them. We are counting the days down till our daddy comes home, 12 days to go, we can do this. On the 5th of August we start our adventure to Germany, hopefully all goes well. We are truly so blessed to have so many blessings in our lives. So grateful for the memories and times we are able to share with our family and friends. Our life is surly an adventure and we love every minute of it. We think of you all often and always hope and pray for you all. Best of wishes to you all, we will try our best to keep you all updated :) We love you all!